
Blog Lovin' Award

I’ve been given the Blog Lovin' Award by the very stylish and refreshing Four Walls and a Roof. This thoughtful blog by a Brit in San Francisco is a delightful read. I particularly enjoy the posts regarding her decor trepidations and dilemmas. If you haven't stopped by yet, this blog warrants your visit.

I’m honored that she selected Simplified Bee and now I have the task of passing the award on. It was very difficult, but I’ve narrowed it down to blogs that have inspired me the most -

Laura Casey Interiors - for great design tips from a fabulous interior designer

Colour me Happy - for valuable color expertise and fantastic decor advice

Things That Inspire - for incredible images of art, architecture and design

The Skirted Roundtable - for thought provoking and educational discussions about interior design and blogging from Beach Bungalow 8's Megan, ::Surroundings::'s Linda and Cote de Texas' Joni

Marley & Lockyer - for endless inspiration and beautiful images

Velvet & Linen - for her incredible sense of style and breathtaking designs


  1. Thank you so much! I am truly honored to be mentioned in the company of such great blogs, and by a great blogger like you!

  2. Thank you, Cristin. I am thrilled to be honored by you!
    I'm lovin' your blog too!
    Thank you again for including me with all of those other wonderful bloggers.

  3. Just saw this!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much. much appreciated I must say !!!


  4. Hi Cristin - thank you so much for including SRT in your list! It's so sweet of you!


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