
New Year's Resolutions and Goal Setting Tips

As we ring in the new year, many are setting resolutions. Some of the most common new year’s resolutions are to lose weight, get in shape, eat healthier, save/make more money or my favorites, get organized and give back.

Most statistics state that by February, you will have broken more than 90%t of the resolutions you made. While it may not be easy or overnight, here are some helpful steps to make it easier for you to reach your goal and stick with it:

Be Specific – Describe what you want to accomplish in detail and write it down. Many studies have proven that the simple act of writing your goals down greatly improves your chances of accomplishing them. Also, let your friends and family know your goals. They can help support you during rough times.

Be Realistic – Set goals you are capable of achieving. Instead of setting ten new year’s resolutions, you may want to limit it to two t o three that are attainable.

Be Disciplined – Understand that it may take energy, sacrifice and plain old hard work to obtain your goal. Breaking up a larger goal into smaller tasks can help keep you motivated and on track.

Be On Time – Establish a timeline and set completion dates for your goals and tasks. This should also be written down and will help you to stay focused.

Be Rewarded - Give yourself a small reward after accomplishing a goal. Celebrating your success will keep you motivated and will help you keep those new year resolutions.

Happy, healthy 2010!

*images courtesy of Countdown Entertainment LLC, photo.net, Southern Living


  1. This is a good reminder on the right way to set up our resolutions!!

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment! much appreciated!!!


  3. Great advice! This year, my resolution is to have a regular date-night with my husband!

  4. Thank you, lovely tips. I'm having trouble making a couple of mine 'specific' - just what do I mean when I say 'be a less grumpy wife' ?? :)

    Happily, my aim to "Run 26.2 miles on March 7th in under 6 hours" seems to meet your criteria - I just need to think up the Reward part!

  5. Thank you for this post! I'm trying to come up with a list and I think guidelines will actually help me to stick to it.

  6. thanks for this post. those are super great ideas. your blog is always giving me neat things to try!


  7. This is a super post. I hope all who need it read it, and best of all, use the info as well to get them through the whole year.

    Happy Holiday!

  8. Great tips! I remember one year I was able to keep all my resolutions! I can't remember what they were, but they must have been.. not very challenging?! LOL

  9. Thanks for the tips! I always make resolutions and can never follow through with them...maybe this year I should just make one and try to follow it.

  10. Good tips! I really like making resolutions. :)


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