
Haiti Relief Efforts - Donation

Our hearts have been touched as we heard and saw pictures of the devastation experienced by the people of Haiti when the 7.0 magnitude earthquake pulled their island apart January 12th. It's impossible for any of us looking in from the outside to comprehend this tragedy. We are all God's people and the Haitian people need our prayers and help in the rescue and recovery efforts right now.

To help in the massive relief effort, we have been encouraged to send monetary donations. Simplified Bee will donate $1 {up to $100} for every comment left on this blog post in the next three days {by January 20, 2010 at noon PST}. The donation will be made to Catholic Relief Services.

My heartfelt prayers goes out to all of the individuals and families so tragically impacted by this disaster.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

~ Psalm 34:18

*images courtesy of Reuters and Getty Images


  1. "In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God."
    Psalm 62:7

  2. You are such a beautiful light, Cristin! xo

  3. i am new to your blog and am inspired by you, now, in more ways than one!

  4. Great way to remember and help those in Haiti.

  5. Thanks for the great post and for keeping this top of mind!

  6. Thank you for your post and help.

  7. Wonderful idea to match the comments with a donation.

  8. It's a great thing you're doing here!

  9. It's such a tragedy! I can't stop thinking about those poor people. This is such a nice thing you're doing. I'll post about it and link to your blog later.
    Thank you.

  10. My prayers with are these families. May God give them the strength to rebuild.

  11. Cristin, what a lovely thing to do.
    I made a donation to the Red Cross but it's hard to see how my few pennies can help amidst such unimaginable suffering.
    Living on a fault line makes me super-conscious that one day this could so easily be us.

  12. I am definitely praying for the people of Haiti. This is such a wonderful and kind way of serving the people of Haiti back here at home.

  13. Be thankful to have a roof, electricity, family & friends alive.. My thoughts are with Haiti and its people...

  14. What a wonderful way to help, Cristin. I love seeing how everyone is coming up with ways to help. In the midst of all of the sadness, it's such a wonderful encouragement to me that there are so many good people in the world who are always willing to help others.

  15. This is awesome, Cristin! I love that you're using your blog in this way.

  16. Thank you for doing this. I do feel like I want to do so much more than I'm doing.

  17. What a beautiful post. It's a wonderful idea. Kudos!

  18. It's the least I could do to leave a comment.Thank you for you generousity.

    I came here via Doodlebuds. Nice blog!

  19. What a wonderful thing to do Cristin.
    Can you imagine how much could be done for the people of Haiti if every blogger were as generous as you!
    Bless you!


  20. What a great idea! I did the quick text for the Red Cross over the weekend, but you have inspired me to do more.

  21. This is a great idea. Every little bit helps. Thank you.

  22. Wow, what a lovely thing to go- I love this idea!

  23. what an awesome thing to do. I hope other bloggers will be inspired. :)

  24. Great idea of making a donation for the people of Haiti.

  25. Thank you for doing this post, what a wonderful idea.

  26. That's awesome. I actually just found your blog today. I'm glad I did.

  27. Fantastic idea, well done!

  28. May you have many comments!

  29. Thank you all for commenting! I have decided to donate $2 for every comment for a total of $62 toward Haiti relief efforts. Again many thanks.



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