
National Get Organized Month and Decluttering Tips

Is one of your new year’s resolutions to organize your home? January is National Get Organized Month and there is no better time to declutter your home than now.

Some organizers approximate that we use 20% of our stuff 80% of the time. If you use something a lot, find a place for it. Everything you own needs to have a home. This way you’ll be able to find it quickly when you need it and will avoid visual clutter.

Before you start to declutter and organize, identify what things are important to you and what's just taking up space. One great exercise in decluttering is to think about what you would take with you if there was only two hours to evacuate your house.

In addition, here are a few questions I like my clients to answer when determining whether or not to keep, recycle/trash or donate an item:
• Do you like it or does it have sentimental value?
• Do you need it?
• Will you use it or have you used it in the past 12 months?
• Do you have space for it?

You will be surprised to find out how many items you are holding onto that you don’t need, use and in many case like.

So in honor of National Get Organized Month, please think about what you use, what you need and what you can live without. And happy organizing!

*images courtesy of Martha Stewart


  1. those little clip things on the door in the last picture are awesome!! i got a few of them for my swiffer duster and broom and they give me so much floor space in my closet now- I highly recommend them :)

  2. I love that second photo. I really need to tackle my linens right now. Space has been an issue lately...but I need to get it done. Love this post!

  3. I love getting organized in January! And the de-cluttering reminder is great; I'm resisting the temptation to go out and buy loads of new storage items, when in fact the real trick is to get rid of half our stuff to begin with.

  4. Yes! My goal is to get the house as organized as possible, starting with the office. Then I'll tackle my bedroom closet. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it to look like the closet in the first photo. That would be a dream~


  5. Those photos are so inspiring! Time to start throwing stuff out!

  6. Great tips. I have been doing this all week and it feels great to be getting everything nice and organized. Happy New Year!

  7. Don't I wish my house could be as organized as those pictures! I did a clean-out a year ago and now I admit I don't want to get rid of ANYTHING! Our house is for sale and we are house hunting in CT. My husband has already started (he does this every time we move) saying things like, "You aren't planning to move that old table on the porch, are you?" My answer, "You bet your bippiy I am!!"

    I have fallen for the ruse - "Get rid of that one and I will buy you another one when we move." Well, I only believed that the first time - never again!

  8. pretty, my closet is thisbig right now. This will all help with all of the clothes :)

  9. Great tips! I'm am in dire need to reorganize my closet, thanks for the inspiration and great tips!

  10. Good ideas. I especially like the last four questions.

  11. Great post and I'm on it. I'll be complete by the end of the month for my entire home and garage for sure.

  12. Living in NYC requires me to do this exercise about once every 4 or 5 months or else I run out of space!


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