
President's Day and Michael S. Smith Interior Design

Last year President Obama and the First Lady selected Santa-Monica-based Michael S. Smith to transform the private quarters of the White House. Michelle Obama said, "Michael shares my vision for creating a family-friendly feel to our new home and incorporating some new perspectives from some of America's greatest artists and designers."

Over his distinguished career, Smith has designed homes for Steven Spielberg, Dustin Hoffman and Cindy Crawford and his work has been showcased in two best-selling books from Rizzoli Publishing; 'Elements of Style' (2007) and 'Houses' (2008). His style has been characterized as a blend of “European tradition and American modernism.” In celebration of President's Day and Smith's appointment to the Committee for the Preservation of the White House, here are some beautiful images from his portfolio.

Happy President's Day!

*images courtesy of Michael S. Smith


  1. These rooms are all so elegant and lovely. I especially love that kitchen!

  2. What a tease!
    Will we ever get to see what he actually did at the White House???!!!
    xo xo

  3. I am loving that kitchen as well, the green is unexpected as are the industrial looking green island pendants. Janell

  4. Visul Vamp - I have searched for White House photos and I don't think they have releaseed any. Would love to see what he did! I am sure it is amazing.

    And I agree with everyone that the kitchen is a dream. The pendants are perfect.


  5. So timely, and last month, I too was looking to see what he did...so curious! Love M. Smith.

  6. Love that kitchen and wish it were mine;}

  7. well he obviously has a sensational style to his work because I love it!!!

  8. I seem to remember that he and the White House decided to go their own ways.

  9. Correction: I found an article where Smith says that, despite "all the rumors in the blogosphere," he wasn't fired. I don't need to add to the rumors!

  10. ahh, crisitn, What a way to start my morning, but with these pics from one of my favourite designers. Thanks!!

  11. Too traditional for me. But probably just right for the White House.

  12. Can you imagine having the President and First Lady ask you to design their space? He has a beautiful style - so livable.

  13. Loving that bedroom with the black and white walls and the splash of red on the drapes. Classic. -erica

  14. Gorgeous work, I wish I can do the Obama's closets!

  15. Wow, MSS's work makes me want sit up straight and behave myself! So grown-up and elegant! Lovely ~ Thanks for sharing:)

  16. Cristin,
    I had the pleasure of attending a talk with Mr. Smith last fall at the Corcoran Museum in Washington. And he said that pictures of the Obama's private living areas that he designed, will likely not be released to the public until late in the Presidential term or after they have left the White House. Disappointing, I know!

  17. What a great and clever idea sharing his talents on President's day. I can not wait to see what he creates for them (when it is "safe" to see them, though I'm not sure I get the timing thing as mentioned by Acanthus & Acorn) :)... The kitchen with it's soothing colors and awesome lights over the island is to die for. xo

  18. The bedroom with the trees on the wallpaper is divine!!

  19. I'm in love this this kitchen.

  20. Wow, that second photo is divine. Love the walls.

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