
Cabbages & Roses, At Home with Country Book Giveaway Winner

Cabbages & Roses, a textile company specializing in historical rural printed fabrics for fashion, accessories and interiors was founded by Christina Strutt. In addition to running Cabbages & Roses, Strutt authored a fresh, dreamy and romantic book, At Home with Country {Cico Books}. The beautiful book features both US and UK residences showcasing her infused country and rustic English style. 


And I am happy to announce that comment #55, Elizabeth will be receiving a copy of this book. Congratulations!


Recently Design*Sponge published a wonderful interview with Christina on how to achieve an English country style in your own home and incorporate it into your lifestyle. Here is what Christina said when asked what influenced  her her work at Cabbages & Roses and did  her location or travel play into the designs:
"Each collection begins with panic. Rather than the romantic notion that a trip to exotic locations, or glamorous parties with fascinating people influences my designs, quite the opposite is true.

Clothing collections are the hardest, but once on a roll they tend to develop a momentum and personality of their own.

I find the fabrics much easier to work on with Amy Gibbons who is in charge of home wear at Cabbages & Roses. Our trips to antiques markets at 5am and foreign travel are our inspiration and we have a stockpile of ideas and designs, which are fed into the collections annually.

Cabbages & Roses was created in the British countryside and my home, Brook Cottage, still manages to play an integral part of the designs, the company. Its where it was born and grew up, so will always remain at the core of what we do."

For the full Design*Sponge interview, go here and to see more beautiful images from Cabbages & Roses go here.


  1. congrats elizabeth. totally fun win! xo

  2. Congrats, what a lovely book to browse!

  3. Seems like a great book!! :)

  4. I bought this book and am loving it!
    Congratulations to Elizabeth. I know she'll love it too!

  5. Congrats to the winner...thinking I need to go and get this book now!


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