
Getting Organized for Back-to-School

It's that time again. Millions of children are headed back-to-school. There is a direct relationship between how organized a child is and how well they do in school. As a parent or guardian, you can help children develop life-long organization skills. Here are a few back-to-school tips for getting organized:

Establish a Routine & Plan Ahead. Streamlining the morning routine is essential to get kids out the door and to school on time. It’s easy to get frazzled in the morning, so prepare lunches, book bags, outfits, even the breakfast table the night before. Create a storage area near your most used door and assign each person a bin and/or hook for their gear. Using color coded baskets or personalized tins {like the one above from the MacBeth Collection} helps for organization and quick identification when leaving the house.

Create a Homework Station. Few children enjoy doing homework, but making creating an efficient work environment may make the task more fun. First determine where it's best to set up the homework station - Near the kitchen where an adult can help? In a quiet room alone? Is a computer needed? Once a location is selected, it is important to have an easy accessible storage bin or drawer with needed school supplies. Based on your child's age and school needs store items such as writing implements, paper, tape/glue, scissors, ruler, erasers, crayons and markers. When purchasing school supplies, consider earth-friendly and non-toxic items. Visit EWG's back-to-school guide for a list of greener options. Pottery Barn Kids has a great Mini Lazy Susan perfect for a storing supplies at the homework station {shown above}.

Paper Source also shows you how to make a customized desk cubbie here {also pictured above}. Get your child excited about their homework station by having them help designing their own supply storage cubbie.

Centralize School Communications. Besides your child's school papers, there will be lots of communication parents will need to take action on or reference throughout the school year. Some of these items include classroom rosters, school handbook, supply list, permission slips and school calendar. Creating a centralized place for all this information is key to knowing where these important papers are when you need them. A binder or file folder are great options for keeping all the papers organized into subcategories. Smead offers an easy to use tiered folder - Smead Stadium File™ - that works great in my home {blogged about it here}.

Getting organized for back-to-school takes some effort, but it will make the transition smoother.

Happy organizing!


  1. Love all these colorful organizers!!

    xoxo Laura

  2. I love that monogram tin tote. I'm hosting We're Organized Wednesday this week and would love for you to join the party. Hope to see you there.

  3. How cute are those mini lazy susans! Great tips!

  4. Fun and super ideas! I ordered the PB mini lazy susan and LOVE LOVE it! :)

  5. Love this post! I even want to do homework! Every one loves a lazy susan! Thanks for the tips.

  6. What great ideas for a kid's bedroom. These simple renovations can be done in a day and really help when back to school time comes around again. I came across your post this afternoon while browsing interior design blogs and the topic of window treatment selection was very interesting to me. It is true that you must dress your windows appropriately to bring out their true beauty. Thank you for writing and as a special thanks to you and your readers, I would like to offer a 20% off coupon using this code upon checkout: BLG20.

  7. Those are all really great tools! Thanks for sharing them...yay I love back to school...its very hopeful.

  8. I used to love getting all organised ready for a new school term (esp. new stationery!)

    Thanks for your lovely comment the other day; lovely to see you of on the ol' blog!

  9. Thanks for all those great tips on organizing for school. It seems everything goes into crazy mode when school starts and organization can help that alot.

  10. Great tips! Thank you. We will be putting all of these things together in the coming days as my children are moving into new rooms (with built-in desks for private homework zones). I'm trying to get them IN and ready to go BEFORE school starts. Good ideas!

  11. These are all such great organizing ideas. I'm glad you were able to join We're Organized Wednesday. Have a great weekend!

  12. I love to be organized in style! I especially love the monogrammed tub from the Macbeth Collection. It's adorable! Today I interviewed my cousins who are going back to college soon about their tips on how they dress well and spend less. Here is a link if you are interested!



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