
My Wedding and ScanCafe

Over nine years ago my hubby and I got married in beautiful Lake Tahoe, Nevada. which also happens to be where I grew up. It was one of the best days of my life and our only regret is that we didn't invite more friends to attend. Back then digital photography was not as common and our wedding was shot in traditional film {by Scott Wall Photography}. Even though I have all my photgraphs safely preserved in an acid-free photo album, I wanted to have them also stored electronically.

I turned to ScanCafe, based just down the street in Burlingame, CA to scan my entire wedding  album and I was delighted with the outcome. I am sharing a handful with you today.


As a professional organizer, I encourage clients to preserve their precious images by scanning them because color photos, slides and negatives will fade in the presence of light and decompose even in the absence of light. Scanning those old photos will also reduce the cluttered stacks taking up space in your closets and attics.

If you don’t have time to scan them yourself, ScanCafe would be a great option. Just send them the images in a box and in weeks, you’ll have an online gallery where you can pick the ones you want (you’ll be charged only for keepers), which you’ll then receive on DVD.

I was so pleased with the outcome, ScanCafe became an Affiliate Sponsor of Simplified Bee - see below or in the far right sidebar for their link.


  1. What a great idea! I loved looking at your photos. Gorgeous wedding.

  2. Your wedding photos are just beautiful.

  3. Oh wow, your photographs are so beautiful...YOU look so beautiful too! :)

  4. Love your classy dress!

  5. What do you do with the originals after they have been scanned? email me and let me know PLEASE... cecislesnick@gmail.com
    By the way...lovely wedding!! :)

  6. Gorgeous gorgeous ! And such a helpful link, thanks !

  7. I am in love with that back view of your dress! Tahoe was clearly a wonderful choice of location.
    Our wedding was in Mauritius and we also came back with prints and negatives, which my husband painfully scanned for us. He then had to edit out the scratches/blodges etc! Thank goodness for modern technology...

  8. Lovely and congrats to you for your sponsor and for sharing all the wonderful tips.

  9. I love Tahoe! What a gorgeous place to get married!!

  10. Beautiful! Congrats on approaching 10 years! If I actually had photos of my wedding I would do this. The photographer had a technical mishap and got virtually no shots...can you believe that?! Janell

  11. How pretty! It looks like it was a beautiful event!

  12. Cristin ---- you're pictures are just beautiful....and this idea is just brilliant! I, too, got married in the era before digital photos and have only my album. I moved far away from where I was married and I think the photographer is no longer in business. So, thank you.....I will get myself some preserved photos!!!

  13. Your wedding looked so beautiful!....and you were radiant.....
    i love the Lake Tahoe area....beautiful setting....
    thanks for sharing the info on ScanCafe...i've got to come up to warp speed on filing/saving my photos better....
    have a great day!

  14. As I photographer, I completely agree with you....everyone, should scan important photos shot on film! Your wedding was gorgeous, and you looked absolutely stunning!

  15. what a beautiful wedding!! You are gorgeous and what fantastic pictures.

  16. What a great thing to preserve your wedding memories forever!

    PS- your wedding was beautiful!!

  17. Gorgeous photos and wedding!

  18. Oh what beautiful pictures and such a lovely setting! Congrats on your anniversary!

  19. Gorgeous wedding and what a wonderful idea. My wedding photos (also 9 years old) are priceless to me, yet I don't have digital files! I also have tons of slides from my mother. I am going to send it all off and see what me find! Thank you for the tip!


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