
Must Read: Nesting Newbies {Issue 4}

The virtual magazine, Nesting Newbies released their fourth issue yesterday and it 's gorgeous! In addition, I was thrilled to be one of the bloggers asked to answer a question in the Nestimonials section . The answer to my question, "For those of us with young children, how should we start getting them organized for going back-to-school?" can be found on page 184.


This 200+ page issue is full of fun, fresh and easy cooking, entertaining and decorating ideas. It was completely inspiring! Here are some of my favorite images from my favorite articles:
You will have to drop by Nesting Newbies to take a look  and read for yourself. I am sure it will leave you inspired too!


  1. Wasn't this fun!!!!
    I'm on page 186 very close to you!
    xo xo

  2. Congrats.

    I loved that mobile home feature.

  3. congrats on being in the mag! this is perfect for the newlywed like me! currently nesting my little heart out for our baby due in november!!


  4. Great article! It's neat to meet the other contributing bloggers to this fun issue!

    Morgan @ PepperDesignBlog.com

  5. Thank you for the introduction! Those mosaic tiles are gorgeous.

  6. What a cool site, and congrats on being asked to contribute! Great tips, too. I ordered custom labels that are washing machine & dishwasher safe for all the stuff I'll need to send to daycare with Junior in a few weeks.

  7. Congratulations!!! Very cool. Thank you for your sweet comment!

  8. I am going to go look at it right away!!! :)


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