
Hello 2012 and New Year’s Resolutions

As we say good-bye to 2011 and hello to 2012, I often reflect on the accomplishments and short-falls of the past year. Over the next few days, I’ll be thinking about what things I’d like to achieve in 2012. Writing down my goals in detail is an important step in process. Studies have shown that the simple act of writing down goals greatly improves the odds of accomplishing them. Here are some more tips on goal setting.

Priest Tray Desk

My list is getting long, but here are a few goals I’d like to achieve in 2012: exercise five days a week, unplug on Sundays and keep my desk in better order.

What’s on your list of New Year’s resolutions?

Happy 2012!


  1. I was just dropping by to wish my friends a Happy New Year when I stumbled on your blog. I will follow on my way out so I can come visit again. I hope you can find the time to do the same over at my place soon. I look forward to engaging more with you in 2012. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  2. Unplug on Sundays is speaking VERY loudly to me! Happy New Year!!!

  3. Your goals are right on. Love the idea of un-plugging on Sunday. Now off to read tips on goal setting. Happy New Year!

  4. Good luck to you and all your goals and accomplishments for 2012!

  5. Those are good goals! Mine are similar... organize, health and did I mention organize?

  6. Cristin,

    Oh yes, organization always. Rehab (after 2 surgeries in 2 months, a must) More Joy and Delight in Life!

    Wishing You and Yours all the best in 2012!

    Art by Karena

  7. Great goals, Cristin! Happy New Year, friend (: xo

  8. I like the idea of unplugging on a Sunday, but the thought of five days a week of exercising? My resolution list would crinkle up if I wrote that down!

    Happy new year!


  9. Cristin,

    Setting an intention is a great place to be in. I know you'll get to everyone of your goals. It's been lovely following you this year and I will continue to do so in 2012.

    Happy Happy New Year...Cheers!


  10. I so agree, committing goals to paper makes a huge difference. Wishing you a wonderful 2012 Cristin!



  11. Great tips and Happy New Years! Looking forward to reading in the future!!

  12. Great goals, several shared by me too- like exercise. Do you already excercise? 5-6 days a week is great, seems intimidating to me as a beginner. What's your plan for this? When do you fit it in? I know, i sound like I'm drilling you. I hope you'll share. I enjoy your blog and look forward to sharing in the new year. May you reach your goals.

  13. You should see my scribbled list of goals I have written down. But I'm glad that I have put them on paper because it will make me accountable for all of them.

  14. Hi Cristin!

    Will you be sharing one of your great printable calendars? I loved the one I printed from your post, for 2011.
    Let me know,

  15. Good, simple resolutions, its that "exercise" resolution that always gets me.

  16. Julie,
    To keep my exercise schedule on track, I schedule walks with friends 2 days a week and a trainer one day a week. The other two days I either hit the gym or go on a walk. I will let you know how it works out!

    jvw home,
    You are reading my mind! The 2012 calendar is being posted today!



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