
Interview with HGTV’s Martin Amando on Green, Seasonal & Budget-friendly Design

Last week I had the pleasure of interviewing HGTV’s Martin Amando. His past experience and accomplishments include working as a guest designer on episodes of Decorating Cents as well as being a host on Small Space, Big Style both for HGTV.

With a focus on green, seasonal and budget-friendly design, here are the questions I asked Martin...

1. Many of your designs are earth-friendly – what are your favorite eco-friendly decorating tips?
2. Budgets are tight these days. How can going “green” save homeowners money?
3. What is one way to change the look of your home without breaking the bank?
4. Fall is here. Do you have any tips on how we can make wise home improvements before winter arrives?

Thanks Martin for your time and expertise! To see some of Martin's fabulous work, visit his website
Happy decorating!


  1. What a fun interview! Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

  2. Great interview and I loved the series Small Space, Big Style...it had great ideas! Janell


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