
Spiders, Crows & Mice Oh My! ~ My Colorful Halloween Mantel

Halloween mantel decorating crows spiders boo sign

So here it is… my Halloween mantel. It is not super scary, but works for me. Because I don’t like taking down the Chinese vase, horse bookends or Imperial horse artwork, I simply decorated around them.

halloween boo sign diy glitter black

Orange wax paper was wrapped around jars props up a message from beyond. The “boo” letters purchased at Michaels were white and I glued black glitter for a Halloween look. Black bat garland {Martha Stewart} adds contrast to the all white mantel.

halloween mantel black crow in tree branch

Three black crows perch in bare branches and red berries. There is something about those crows that are just down right spooky.

halloween mantel mice spiders web decor

Simple white tulle is draped under the mantel to mimic a web for glittery spiders to creep and crawl. Black mice cut-outs {Martha Stewart} scurry up the walls. Yikes! Books with orange spines are used to add pops orange.

halloween mantel black owl on pumpkin

Perched on a small pumpkin, this little black feathery owl was purchased at Michaels. I glued paper with a rat punched out {Martha Stewart} on to a simple white votive candle. Voilà!

halloween witch kids painting

Happy Halloween!


  1. I never thought I would say this but your mice are so cute. That owl is adorable too. I love Halloween decorations. Even spooky ones can look cute.

  2. I love the running mice and your placement choice for them is too cute! Great way to decorate around your sophisticated pieces and incorporate them into the vignette! Thanks for linking up Cristin!

  3. Halloween is such a fun holiday---this is a great mantel! I don't think we're decorating too much this year since we are still settling into our new house.

  4. I love the mice!! We put up a bunch last year, sprinkled throughout the house in unusual places. So festive, and strangely charming. Your mantel looks great! I wish I had decorated more this year.

  5. Spooooooooky! I was looking for some crows, couldn't find them. Nice to see them haunting your house!! I love little peeks into your world, your girls must love this!


  6. Great job! Love it and you are miles ahead of me when it comes to Halloween decor...Max just strung up some scary spiders in the window and that is about as far as we've gotten! Janell

  7. I really like the mice! It all looks great!

  8. I love it!! xoxoxo www.1942charm.blogspot.com

  9. I love the mice, but you're right, something about the crows is absolutely sinister.

  10. I love your Halloween additions! I'm not a fan of holiday decorating where you need to change a ton of things..I like that you simply added on to what you have!


  11. Adorable! I especially love the mice and owl.


  12. Love those mice! I made similar bat garland last year. Must dig that up...

  13. aww, love the bat garland and the white tulle. what a great idea!

    so glad you stopped by the cape on the corner and entered my bday giveaway! handmade gifts by kiddos is always special.

  14. That is just too cute. I loved the owl...he is a cutie pie!

  15. I am a total sap for Halloween decorations! Love the mice crawling around and the tulle over the books!


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